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Friendship With God : An Uncommon Dialogue
Author: Neale Donald Walsch

Publisher: Putnam
ISBN: 0-399-14541-9-
Pages: 437
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Your relationship with Me is no different from your relationship with each other. You begin your interactions with each other with a conversation. If that goes well, you form a friendship. And if that goes well, you experience a sense of oneness-communion with the other person. It is exactly the same way with Me. Each of you experiences your conversations with God in your own way - and in different ways at different times. It will always be a two-way conversation, such as the one we are having right now. It could be a conversation "in your head," or on paper, or with My responses taking just a little more time and reaching you in the form of the next lecture you attend, or the next magazine article you read, or the chance utterance of a friend whom you "just happen" to run into on the street. Once you have become clear that we are always in conversation, then we can move into friendship.