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The Assassination Of George Bush
Author: Varon B K Sharma

Publisher: Sunrise Publications
ISBN: 9788190000000
Pages: 183
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His last act before Barack Obama steps in to the white house.
What 4229 body bags of American soldiers, more than 900 billion $ down the drain, world wide protests and an America in acute recession could not do in seven years of war from 2001 to 2008 - five brave muslim men attempt to achieve in a few hours. -- the most lethal and provocative act in the annals of history.
The most powerful man on earth the president of America George Bush suddenly lands in occupied iraq for his second and probably last visit. seen as a desperate move to change his image and that of america's in the eyes of the muslim world, may be even to preempt Barack Obama giving a landmark announcement in a muslim country? his last pr exercise to justify his war's on Afghanistan and Iraq, little knowing that the next few hours will set the already traumatized world in to palpitations.
The happenings force even barack obama to give in to the rhetoric of revenge if bush is harmed.
In the scorching sun among the never ending desert are decaying bodies of muslims, burnt houses, booby traps, crawling scorpions and five muslim men seething with anger and anguish, waiting to unleash an explosive drama on the whole wide world which no man has ever done before or seen before.
A high voltage political fiction inspired from reality.
A dramatical thriller which will be more relevant in the days to come.