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Round The world in Eighty Days
Author: Gsee

Publisher: S. Chand Publisher
ISBN: 9788121926072
Pages: 137
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Table of Contents

Phieas Fogg, the Quiet english Gentleman
Mr. Fogg and his Bet
Mr. Fix Follows Mr. Fogg
The Ship, Mangolia Sets Out for Bombay
Mr. Fix Goes to the police Station
Passepartout Saves Aouda
Mr. Fogg Buys an Elephant
Mr. Fogg Tries to Save Aouda
Passepartout saves Aouda
Mr. Fogg Pays Two Thousand pounds As Bail Amount
Mr. Fix Follows Fogg to Honggkong
Mr. Fix and Passepartout Drink and Talk Together
Passepartout Drinks and Becomes Senseless
Mr. Fogg and Aouda miss Carnatic
american ship Comes to Help Tankadere
Carnatic Reaches Yohohama
Passepartout Meets his Master again
Mr. Fix Agrees to Help Mr. Fogg
Big Fight in San Francisco
Stamp Proctor Boards the Same Train
The Train is in Great Trouble
Red Indians Attack the Train
Mr. Fogg Searches for the Three Persons
Passepartout Reaches Safely
Mr. Fogg Agrees to Pay Eight Thousand Dollars
Mr. Fogg Gets Arrested
Mr. Fogg Proposes Aouda
Mr. Fogg Wins the Bet Questions and Language Practice"