About DoorstepBooks

Q.Are these e-Books?

No, these are not e-Books. We stock real books with us. Just like what you see in bookstores and libraries.

Basic Information About The Website & Service

Q.What are the different membership plans available?

To check membership plans please follow steps 1. Find MENU BAR at home page www.doorstepbooks.com 2. Click on MEMBERSHIP PLAN. 3. Select your CITY by clicking the drop down arrow. 4. Click GO , all plans will be displayed. PLEASE NOTE: A. When you become a member you pay a sum of three charges registration fee+ refundable security deposit+ membership fees. B. After that when you renew you pay only membership fees C. Security deposit is refunded when you want to end your membership. You return your books and mail us at customercare@doorstepbooks.com. PLAN DETAILS: All plans are segregated based on • the number of books you want to read in a month • for how many months you would like to subscribe. • Example CASUAL READER (TWO BOOKS PER MONTH) : you will get to rent 2 books every month. For this plan you can subscribe for 3/6/12 months. For further queries please call 9830448800

Q.How do I make the payment?

You can make the payment through any one of the following methods: Credit card/Debit Card Net banking Cash / UPI /Cheque If you want to make the payment through cash/Cheque/ UPI just select the appropriate option. Our representative would come to you to collect Cash the payment at time of delivery. For , it should be made in the name of "Manya Knowledge Services." and droped in any HDFC Bank. Cheque and draft should be made in the name of Manya Knowledge Services Bank Name:HDFC Bank Branch:Golpark Branch, Kolkata-700029Account No.:00222320002007

Q.What is My Booklist?

My Booklist represents the list of books that you want to read. The order in which you would like to read the books can be set by giving priority numbers to the books.

Q.How do I manage My Booklist?

You can manage your Booklist by changing the priority of the books available in your Booklist. You can also remove a book from your Booklist. To add a book to your Booklist, browse/search a book and click on "Add to Booklist" button. To remove a book, click on the delete icon on the same row as the book on the Booklist. To rearrange books in the Booklist you have four options Move to First - Move this book to the top of the Booklist. Move one Up - Move this book one level up in priority. Move one Down - Move this book one level down in priority. Move to Last - Move this book to the end of the Booklist. Always click Update priority after rearranging books

Q.What is My Account?

My Account is the section from where you can view and manage details regarding your account. You can edit your profile, change password, see billing details , renew and changer your membership.

Q.What is the minimum number of books I need to maintain in My Booklist?

In order to have a high probability of a delivery, we need you to maintain at least 5 books in the Booklist, at any point of time.

Q.How do I get books delivered after opening my account?

After your have created your account, kindly add atleast 5 books in your booklist. Once this is done, you have to click on the "Deliver" button present at the bottom of your Bookslist". The top available books from your booklist would be issued to you and would be shown in "Books in delivery" section.

Q.What if the books are not delivered within 4-5 working days?

Please give us a call at 09830448800 and we will take the case on a priority basis.

Q.After I finish reading, how do I get my next set of books?

After you have finished reading, please press "Pickup and deliver" (if you want the next book to be delivered) or just "Pickup" (if you do not want the next books now). We would pickup the books that you have with you and deliver the next set of books from your booklist (if you have selected for pikcuo & delivery) within 1-3 working days.

Q.Can I upgrade/downgrade my membership?

You can upgrade your membership in between, but you cannot downgrade a plan while it is running. Downgrade is only possible after expiry of the current membership plan.

Q.How long can I keep the books with me?

As long as you are making your monthly rental payments, you can keep the books with you till you please. For corporate members, there are time limits specified by your company.Kindly contact your company's HR to find out the same. You can also contact us to know the details.

Q.What if I damage/lose the book?

If you lose/damage the book, you need to pay the MRP of the book to us, to continue the service.

Q.Can I cancel my membership during my membership period?

Yes, you can cancel your membership at anytime during your membership period. This can be done by dropping an email to customercare@doorstepsooks.com. Our customer care executive will call you to confirm your request and also note the reason for closure. You will have to return any books that you have with you within 5 working days failing which an amount equal to the MRP of the books would be deducted from your security deposit. Any amount left after deducting the dues from your security deposit would be given to you via a cheque. There would however be no refund of the membership fees or the registration fees.

Q.How do I surrender/close my membership?

In order to surrender/close your membership, you will have to send us a surrender request via email at customercare@doorstepbooks.com stating the reason of closure and the details of your bank account where you would want the security deposit .This request should be made before the expiry date of your current membership. You will also have to return any books pending with you. Once we receive the request, our customer care executive will call you for confirmation and check if the books with you have been returned. If books are not returned in time security will not be refunded in full. rental charges for the extra time will be deducted and refunded. If you donot return books, security deposit will be defaced or adjusted with the security and there will be no refund

Q.If i cannot issue the books of the month in a month can i take them next month?

No books cannot be carreied forward. If you cannot issue within you month period you will loose the count. And previous books with you will be carried forward.

Q.If i register but donot rent any books during the period , can i use it later?

Membership trerm cannot be canged. If you donot rent your membersgip charges will be forfited. You can renew and start again. If you donot want to continue mail customer care and they will refund the security deposit with us,

Billing & Payment Related Information

Q.How do I renew my Account?

You can renew your account by going to My Account> Renew/change membership> Renew Account. You can renew your account only if you are within the expiry date of your membership.

Q.How do I change my membership?

You can change your subscription by going to My Account> Renew/Change Membership> Change Membership. Select the membership that you would like to take and make the payment through any one of the payment options available.

Q.How are the two options "renew account" and "change membership" different?

Renew Account works only if you are within the expiry date of your current membership plan and would like to renew it. The renewal would get effective from the next billing cycle date. For eg. If you have chosen a Monthly plan for which the billing cycle is from 10th January to 9th February, and you renew your account on say 2nd February, then your membership would be renewed for the same plan from 10th February to 9th March. A Change Membership option can be availed whenever you want. The changed membership would be effective from the start of the next month as per your billing cycle. E.g. let's say you have taken a half yearly plan on 5th March. The duration of the plan would therefore be from 5th March to 4th September and the billing cycle will be from 5th of one month to 4th of the next month. Now if you choose the option of change membership on 10April, then the new membership plan that you have chosen would get effective from the next month as per you current membership billing cycle i.e. 4th May as your billing cycle is 5th of one month – 4th of next month .

Q.Are there any charges for late payment of subscription fees?

A late fine of Rs.30 is cahrged if the subscription fees is not paid within 14 days from the date of generation of bill. We would also not issue any books to you until the payment is cleared.

Q.What is Automatic Billing?

Automatic billing is the feature that removes the hassle of you renewing your membership every month, by automatically renewing your account if you have not requested for pickup of the books with you. For e.g. if your membership is expiring on 10th January, and you have not requested for pickup of books with you before the expiry date, then your plan gets automatically renewed from 11th January. You can see the bill in My Account>Billing.

Q.What should I do if want to restart my service after a gap of some days?

In order to start your service you need to log in and go to “My Account>Renew/Change Membership > Change Membership. You can either choose your current plan or any other plan. Make the required payment, add books to you Booklist and start enjoying your books.

Q.How do I see my billing details?

You can see you billing details by logging into the website and going to My Account> Billing Details. There you can see you a list of all the bills generated for your account. Click on the bill number to see the details.

Delivery related Information

Q.Do I need to pay for delivery and pickup of books?

No, Pickup and delivery is absolutely free.

Q.When would the books be delivered?

We aim to deliver the books within 1-3 working days from the moment you request a delivery. This might however get delayed, if there is any unfavourable situation like bandh, storm, heavy rain etc.

Q.What if I am not available at home when the delivery happens?

If you are not available at home and miss a delivery, then kindly call our customer care or email us at customercare@doorstepbooks.com to request for a re-delivery. Kindly note that free delivery/pickup would only be done twice. If you miss it again, then you would be charged Rs. 25 for the next delivery/pickup.

Q.How many books would be delivered in a single delivery?

The maximum number of books delivered is as per your plan. For most of the plan options, it is two.

Q.How many deliveries would be made in a month?

The maximum number of deliveries is as per your plan. However you cannot have more than one delivery in a single day.

Q.Do I need to return both the books at the same time or can I return one book and retain the other?

You have to return both the books in order to get the next set of books.

Q.What if the books sent to me are not in good condition?

If you find that the books sent to you are not in good condition, then we request you to not accept the delivery, and register the issue with us by calling us on 033-65365122 , 09830448800 or by mailing us at customercare@doorstepbooks.com. We will address the issue as soon as possible, and meanwhile, we would send you the next set of books.

Q.What are the different options of requesting a pickup/delivery?

Pickup / delivery request can be made through any of the following options: (a).Through your account by going to "My Booklist", (b).Via SMS, (c).Calling our customer care at 9830448800 or 033-65365122.

Q.Can I return the books to your office directly?

No, you have to go through any of the above listed methods.

Q.What do I do if I get a wrong book?

Please call us to register the issue. We would send you the books as per your Booklist and take back the book wrongly delivered to you.

Q.Will I get the book which is on the top of my priority list in the Booklist?

We try to give you the books as per your priority, but if the same is in circulation then you get the next available book.

Q.If I have registered as a member of a particular city, for example Mumbai, then can I get deliveries in any other cities?

If you are registered as a member of Mumbai, then deliveries would be done only in Mumbai. You cannot get deliveries in any other city. You can however change your address within Mumbai whenever your want.

Special Features

Q.Can I buy books at DoorstepBooks?

Yes, you can also buy books from us. You may read a book that you like so much that you want to hold onto it forever, and not have to return it back to us. You may also want to purchase an old favourite that you no longer possess a copy of. Or you may simply want to gift a loved one a copy of your favourite book. Maybe you are just building up your own private collection. Whatever the reason, you can easily get a brand new copy delivered to your doorstep. We charge no delivery fees. We additionally give a flat 10% discount. Thus it makes sense to look to us to fulfill ALL your reading needs.

Q.What is Gift a Membership?

Gift a Membership is a feature through which you can give your friend/relative a membership of DoorstepBooks as a gift.

Q.How do I gift a membership?

Click on "Gift a Membership". Fill in your details and the details of the person whom you want to gift a membership. You have to make the payment for the subscription plan that you want to gift. You would be asked the date and mode of informing the person. Our representative will call you to verify and confirm the same.

Q.What is Refer a Friend?

Refer a friend is a feature in which you can refer DoorstepBooks.com to your friends, by filling up a form. An e-mail would be sent to them, requesting them to join the service. For every referred friend who becomes a member of DoorstepBooks.com, you earn points which can be redeemed at the time of renewal of your membership plan.

Q.What is Suggest a Book?

If there is a book that you want to read, and it is not available in our collection, then you can request for the book to be included in our library. We would try to get it as soon as possible. The price of the book would need to fall within our permissible limit.

Q.How do you deliver books outside Kolkata?

Books outside Kolkata are delivered by our logistics partner Fedex. Once you place your request, the books are shipped and delivered within 2-3 working days.

Q.How do you pickup books from locations other than Kolkata?

When books are delivered to locations outside Kolkata, a self addressed envelope and a shipment note is provided along with the books. When you want to return the boosk, you need to place your pickup & delivery request online and pack the books in the envelope provided and hand it over along with the shipment note to our logistics partner Fedex.Kindly note that you would first receive a call from Fedex to confirm if the package is ready. Only after your confirm the same would they come to collect it.

Q.Will the same person who would come for pickup be delivery the next book?

There pickup & delivery would be done by different people.

Q.What would be the procedure in case of damage or loss of book?

In case of damage or loss of book, you would be required to either procure and replace the book or pay the MRP of the book.

Q.How do I register for/create my account at DoorstepBooks.com?

Your account would be created by us and the login details would be mailed to you at your official email address.

Q.How do I rent books?

To rent books, you would be required to login to your account, select the books that you would like to read from the catalogue and add them to your booklist. You would then have to arrange the books in order of priority in which you would like them to be delivered. Once that is done you can place your delivery request by clicking on the "deliver" button present in the "My Booklist" section.

Q.What is " My Booklist"?

My Booklist is the section that displays the books that you have selected for rental. This section would also show you the status of your delivery request and would provide you with options to request for delivery, pickup & reissue.

Q.How do I manage " My Booklist"?

You can manage your Booklist by changing the priority of the books available in your Booklist. You can also remove a book from your Booklist. To add a book to your Booklist, browse/search a book and click on "Add to Booklist" button. To remove a book, click on the delete icon on the same row as the book on the Booklist. To rearrange books in the Booklist, just drag and drop the books and then click on "Update Priority".

Q.What is My Account?

My Account is the section from where you can view and manage details regarding your account. You can edit your profile, change password, see rental history, change delivery address & view referral history.

Q.What is the minimum number of books I need to maintain in My Booklist?

In order to start the service, you would be required to add at least 5 books in the Booklist.In order to have a high probability of a delivery, we need you to maintain at least 5 books in the Booklist, at any point of time.

Q.How long can I keep the books with me?

Although there are no dues dates specified by us,for corporate members, there are time limits specified by your company.Kindly contact your company's HR to find out the same. You can also contact us to know the details.

Q.What if I damage/lose the book?

If you lose/damage the book, you need to either pay the MRP of the book to us or replace the copy with a new one.

Q.How do I change my contact details?

Go to My Account> Edit Details to change your contact details.

Q.How can I cange my office delivery address?

Go to My Account>Edit Details. You would be shown the office addresses registered with us. You may choose any one of the office location.

Q.How can I change my password?

Go to My Account> Password. You are requested to kindly change your default password after first login.

Q.What if I forget my password?

In the Login section, there would a "Forgot Password" link. Just click on that and enter your registered email address/Login Id. Your password would be mailed to your email address.

Q.When would the books be delivered?

We aim to deliver the books within 1-3 working days from the moment you request a delivery. This might however get delayed, if there is any unfavourable situation like bandh, storm, heavy rain etc.

Q.What if the books are not delivered within 1-3 working days?

Please give us a call at 033-65365122 , 09830448800 and we will take the case on a priority basis.

Q.Where will the books be delivered?

The books would be delivered at the reception of your office.

Q.How many books would be delivered in a single delivery?

This is based on your corporate plan. You can view the details in the "My Account" section.

Q.After I finish reading, how do I get my next set of books?

To return the books, kindly place a "Only Pickup" or "Pickup & delivery" request and do the following: a)Unstaple the shipment note from the return shipment envelope. b) Pack the books in the return shipment envelope provided to you at the time of delivery and seal it with a tape. c) Keep the book at the receiption/ despatch section of your office.

Q.What are the different options of requesting a pickup/delivery?

Pickup / delivery request can be made through any of the following options: (a).Through your account by going to "My Booklist", (b).Via SMS, (c).Calling our customer care at 9830448800 or 033-65365122.

Q.What if the books sent to me are not in good condition?

If you find that the books sent to you are not in good condition, then we request you to not accept the delivery, and register the issue with us by calling us on 033-65365122 , 09830448800 or by mailing us at customercare@doorstepbooks.com. We will address the issue as soon as possible, and meanwhile, we would send you the next set of books.

Security related information

Q.What do I do if I forget my password?

To retrieve your password, click on "Login" and then click on “Forgot Password”. Now enter the email id registered with DoorstepBooks.com and press “Submit”. Your password would be sent to your registered email address.

Q.Is my credit card data safe?

DoorstepBooks.com does not collect your credit card/debit card or Bank Account details. After Clicking on "Pay now" button, you will be directed to CCAvenue's secure gateway for payment. CCAvenue is India's leading payment gateway. After completing the payment process, you will be redirected to DoorstepBooks.com.