Safe & Secure

1. Request

  • Browse online catalogue.
  • Select and queue books you want to read in 'My Booklist'.
  • Request for delivery of books.
  • Receive

    2. Receive

  • Top priority books as per your booklist will be delivered within 4-5 working days.
  • Free delivery at your doorstep.
  • Read

    3. Read

  • Enjoy your books for as long as you want.
  • No due dates or late fees.
  • Inform us once you finish reading.
  • Return

    4. Return

  • We will do a free pick up of the books and deliver the next set of books as per your booklist.
  • Repeat the process.
  • 1) To create your account, click on New User Registration and complete the registration process by filling in the personal information page, selecting a membership plan and a payment option of your choice:
      A. Online payment through Netbanking, Debit or Credit Cards (Preferred option)
      B. Cash payment ( Available in select locations)
      C. Cheque / Draft payment
    2) You can now browse the Book Categories, and start adding books to your Booklist, by clicking on the Add to Booklist button given beside each listed book.
    3) You can arrange the books in your Booklist, as per the priority in which you would like them to be delivered.
    4) The top priority books as per availability will be delivered at your doorstep within 2-4 working days for Kolkata & Howrah and 3-5 working days for the rest of India. The cut-off time for placing a request on any particular day is 2pm.
    5) Kindly maintain at least a list of 5 books in your Booklist to enable delivery of books.
    6) Once you finish reading the books, you can request for a free pickup. Or you can request for a free pick up and delivery option, in which case, the books with you will be picked up, and the next set of available books as per your priority in your Booklist will be delivered.
    7) Pickup (P) / Pickup and Delivery (PND) / Delivery (D) requests can be placed
    • Online (most preferred), via your account at, by clicking on the respective buttons in your Booklist, or
    • via Email by sending us a mail at, or
    • via SMS in the following format: Space

    Request Types:

    • PND: Pikcup the books with currently me & delivery the next set of books
    • P: Pickup the books currently with me.
    • D: Deliver books from my booklist.
    Eg: KOL00056 PND
    In this case all the books with you will be picked up and next set delivered as per your membership plan.